Join Us

Hidden Cities is actively seeking to make new city apps. If you are interested in turning research in your field into a work of urban public history through historical mapping and mobile storytelling, we encourage you to get in touch.

  • We welcome proposals from HEI researchers and teachers, museums and galleries, and heritage bodies. We encourage proposals that involve collaboration between sectors.
  • We are keen to tackle major issues that drive scholarship in cultural, social and material urban history, and which will resonate for diverse publics today.
  • Apps are widely promoted through a collaboration between Hidden Cities and Apple; each app will have a corresponding ‘time jump’ guide on Apple Maps.
  • Apps can be launched with one or multiple trails. Once a city app is created, it is straightforward to add further trails. Trails can explore different periods with their own historical maps.
  • All apps include a teaching package – a version of the platform that allows students to create their own trails for smartphones.
  • Hidden Cities is developed and managed by the University of Exeter, and powered by Calvium. This fee-based service builds the app, and includes the development, editing, production and technical support required to turn your research/public history goals into a finished work. We are happy to share our experience of funding routes, app development, and teaching.
  • For more details please email: Prof Fabrizio Nevola and Dr David Rosenthal;