News from Hidden Valencia

In June 2020 Hidden Valencia launched its official twitter account (@HiddenValencia) coinciding with the publication of a short video presentation by one of the members of the research team, Professor Pablo Pérez García (University of Valencia), in which he examined the effects of pandemics in the past, with a focus on the city of Valencia and the Revolt of the Brotherhoods, the Germania, in the early sixteenth century. The video was created as part of the University of Valencia’s outreach activities on pandemics, from different scientific fields and perspectives, offering an excellent example of historical dissemination in connection with key events of the present, such as the COVID pandemic.  

On 16 November 2020, “Revolutionary Road”, the first walking tour of the Hidden Valencia app, inspired by Valencia’s Germanies -the Revolt of the Brotherhoods (1519-1522)-, became available for users. The launch of the Hidden Valencia app along with the rest of the Hidden Cities apps received extensive media coverage in both local and national newspapers (Levante-EMV; Las Provincias;;;; La Vanguardia, El Imparcial; Europa Press; 20 minutos). On 23 November, we were invited to participate in a local radio program, A Golpe de Micro (Plaza Radio), where we promoted the Hidden Valencia app and the Hidden Cities project. 

During the past year, members of the research team have also presented the Hidden Valencia project in different academic settings. On 18 November 2020, Blanca Llanes Parra delivered an online talk (‘Hidden Valencia: espacio público, humanidades digitales e historia aplicada) at the XI SEMI of the University of Cantabria (UC), a seminar for master’s and doctoral level students in Early Modern History of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and the universities of Cantabria (UC) and Santiago de Compostela (USC). On 26 March 2021, Blanca Llanes Parra presented a paper on the Hidden Valencia app (Nuevas tecnologías y divulgación científica: el caso de la app Hidden Valencia) at the I International Conference of Museums and Digital Strategies (CIMED), organized by REMED-Polytechnic University of Valencia (online). On 14 October 2021, Juan Gomis Coloma introduced Hidden Valencia at the ‘Journée d’études internationale UC-EHESS De la place à la chaire. L’espace urbain dans les conflits du passe held at the Collège d’Espagne in Paris. Finally, on 19 November Juan Gomis Coloma and Blanca Llanes Parra explained the creative process behind the making of the ‘Revolutionary Road’ trail and Josep character, the historical guide of the Hidden Valencia app, at the seminar Comunicare la storia dell’arte moderna: architettura, città e storia, organized by Bianca de Divitiis within the framework of the master’s degree in Communication of Cultural Heritage of the University of Naples Federico II. 

Blanca Llanes Parra 


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